5–9 Sept 2011
Europe/London timezone

Progress on the Direct Computation Method

8 Sept 2011, 14:25
Parallel talk Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods Thursday 08th - Computations in Theoretical Physics


Dr Fukuko Yuasa (KEK)


We report our progress on the development of the Direct Computation Method (DCM), which is a fully numerical method for the computation of Feynman diagrams. Based on a combination of a numerical integration tool and a numerical extrapolation technique, all steps in the computation are carried out in a fully numerical way. The combined method is applicable to one-, two- and multi-loop diagrams with arbitrary masses including complex masses. In this talk we show numerical results of a scalar one-loop pentagon and hexagon without any analytical treatment, neither reducing to a sum of box diagrams nor sector decomposition. Further we discuss the possibility of handling ultraviolet divergence using DCM.

Primary author


Prof. Elise de Doncker (Western Michigan University) Prof. Kiyoshi Kato (Kogakuin University) Mr Nobuyuki Hamaguchi (KEK) Dr Tadashi Ishikawa (KEK) Prof. Yoshimitsu Shimizu (KEK)

Presentation materials