Bytev Vladimir
06/09/2011, 14:00
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
The differential reduction algorithm allows to change the values
of parameters of any Horn-type hypergeometric functions on arbitrary
integers numbers. The description of mathematical part of algorithm
have been presented on ACAT08 by M.Kalmykov [6].
We will describe the status of project and will present a new version
of MATHEMATICA based package including a several important...
Roman Lee
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
06/09/2011, 14:25
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
The method of calculation of the loop integrals based on the dimensional recurrence relation and analyticity of the integrals as functions of $d$ is reviewed. Special emphasis is made on the possibility to automatize many steps of the method. New results obtained with this method are presented.
Cedric Studerus
(University of Bielefeld)
06/09/2011, 14:50
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
Reduze is a computer program for reducing Feynman Integrals to master integrals employing the Gauss/Laporta algorithm. Reduze is written in C++ and uses the GiNaC library to perform simplifications of the algebraic prefactors in the system of equations.
In this talk, the new version, Reduze 2, is presented. The program supports fully parallelised computations with MPI and allows to resume...
Jan Kuipers
06/09/2011, 15:15
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
New features of the symbolic algebra package Form 4 are
discussed. Most importantly, these features include polynomial
factorization and polynomial GCD computation. Examples of
their use are shown. One of them is an exact version of Mincer which
gives answers in terms of rational polynomials and 5 master integrals.
Takahiro Ueda
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
06/09/2011, 16:10
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
We report on the current status of the development of parallel versions
of the symbolic manipulation system FORM. Currently there are two
parallel versions of the FORM: one is TFORM which is based on the POSIX
threads and for running on multicore machines, and the other is ParFORM
which uses the MPI and can run on computer clusters. By using these
versions, most of existing FORM programs...
Francesco Cerutti
(Universitat de Barcelona)
06/09/2011, 16:35
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
I present a method, elaborated within the NNPDF Collaboration, that allows the inclusion of the information contained in new datasets into an existing set of parton distribution functions without the need for refitting.
The method exploits bayesian inference in the space of PDF replicas, computing for each replica a chisquare with respect to the new dataset and a weight associated to this. ...
simonetta liuti
(university of virginia)
06/09/2011, 17:00
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics - Techniques and Methods
Parallel talk
We will present a method to extract parton distribution functions from hard scattering processes based on an alternative type of neural networks, the Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs). Quantitative results including a detailed treatment of uncertainties will be presented within a Next to Leading Order analysis of both unpolarized and polarized inclusive deep inelastic scattering data. With a fully...