7–9 Sept 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Live Talk 4: Steinmann Relations, Causality and the Wavefunction of the Universe [Paolo Benincasa]

8 Sept 2020, 16:00


Virtual meeting on Zoom


Abstract: How consistent causal time evolution is encoded in the late
time wavefuntions of the universe or correlation functions? This is one
of the open question which is crucial for our understanding of the
fundamental physics encoded in quantum mechanical observables in
cosmology. In this talk I will report on a recent progress in addressing
such a question showing how the wavefunction of the universe, with
ab-initio description given by the cosmological polytopes, has to
satisfy the so-called Steinmann relations, which in the flat space case
are an avatar of causality. I will show that the Steinmann relations for
both the S-matrix and the wavefunction of the universe arise via the
same mechanism and rely on the intrinsic definition of the cosmological
polytopes themselves. Finally, such relations constitutes further
constrains which can be used in the bootstrap program.

Presentation materials