Cosmological Correlators



Virtual meeting on Zoom

This small, interactive, hands-on virtual workshop gathers a group of
international experts on theoretical aspects of primordial cosmological
correlators. The goal is to critically review recent progress attained in
computing correlators in (quasi) de Sitter spacetime both from the bulk and
from the boundary perspective. The workshop will take place over 3 days.
The format will prioritize discussions, interactions and will aim at
generating new concrete ideas and collaborations. There will be no more
than two or three talks per day followed by organized as well as
spontaneous discussion groups.

Dr Enrico Pajer and Guilherme Pimentel
  • Aaron Hillman
  • Adam Bzowski
  • Alba Kalaja
  • Alex Kehagias
  • Alice Di Tucci
  • Ana Achucarro
  • Angelo Esposito
  • Antonio Riotto
  • Austin Joyce
  • Ayngaran Thavanesan
  • Bo Sundborg
  • Borna Salehian
  • Carlos Duaso Pueyo
  • Charlotte Sleight
  • Daan Meerburg
  • Daniel Baumann
  • Daniel Green
  • David Marsh
  • David Meltzer
  • David Stefanyszyn
  • Dhiraj Hazra
  • Dionysios Anninos
  • Dmitry Ponomarev
  • Dong-Gang Wang
  • Ema Dimastrogiovanni
  • Enrico Pajer
  • Eva Silverstein
  • Gabriele Franciolini
  • Garrett Goon
  • Giovanni Cabass
  • Gonzalo Palma
  • Guilherme Pimentel
  • Harry Goodhew
  • Hayden Lee
  • Hiroshi Isono
  • Jakub Supeł
  • James Bonifacio
  • Joao Melo
  • Juan Maldacena
  • Kostas Skenderis
  • Kurt Hinterbichler
  • Lam Hui
  • Leonardo Senatore
  • Luca Santoni
  • Mark Wise
  • Marko Simonovic
  • Massimo Taronna
  • Matteo Biagetti
  • Matteo Fasiello
  • Matthew Baumgart
  • Matthijs van der Wild
  • Mehrdad Mirbabayi
  • Nicola Bartolo
  • Nikolina Sarcevic
  • Niloufar Feyz
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed
  • Paolo Benincasa
  • Paolo Creminelli
  • Paul McFadden
  • Paul Shellard
  • Rachel Rosen
  • Rafael Bravo
  • Raman Sundrum
  • Sabino Matarrese
  • Sadra Jazayeri
  • Savan Kharel
  • Scott Melville
  • Simon Riquelme
  • Siyi Zhou
  • Soubhik Kumar
  • Spyros Sypsas
  • Suvrat Raju
  • Sébastien Renaux-Petel
  • Thomas Floss
  • Tim Cohen
  • Toshifumi Noumi
  • Valerio De Luca
  • Vicharit Yingcharoenrat
  • Victor Gorbenko
  • Wei-Ming Chen
  • William Coulton
  • Xingang Chen
  • Yasha Neiman
  • Yi Wang
  • Zhong-Zhi Xianyu
    • 12:00 12:20
      Introductory Remarks 20m
      Speakers: Dr Enrico Pajer (University of Cambridge), Guilherme Pimentel
    • 14:00 15:00
      Live Talk 1: Building a Boostless Bootstrap [Enrico Pajer] 1h

      Abstract: Cosmological surveys are believed to measure the future value of quantum correlators in a theory of gravity around quasi de Sitter spacetime. The goal of this talk is to develop a cosmological bootstrap, namely understand how general physical principles such as unitarity, locality and symmetries are encoded in these observables without a reference to the unobservable time evolution that generates them. 
      I'll show that in single-clock inflation, the only correlators of curvature perturbations that are fully de Sitter isometric are those of the free theory. This provides a strong motivation to develop a "Boostless" Bootstrap that does not assume invariance under de Sitter boosts (generally broken during inflation). I'll show how all tree-level bispectra for a massless scalar and graviton follow from a set of simple boundary Bootstrap Rules. 
      To move beyond the bispectrum, I'll derive a Cosmological Optical Theorem (see also Goodhew's talk), which expresses the consequences of unitary time evolution for the spatial correlations dictated by the wavefunction of the universe. This provides a very useful relation between the bispectrum and the (exchange) trispectrum.

    • 15:00 15:45
      Discussion of talks [Guilherme Pimentel] 45m

      Harry Goodhew: The cosmological Optical Theorem
      Dong-Gang Wang: Excursion in curved field space
      Giovanni Cabass: Graviton non-Gaussianity in the EFT of I
      Toshifumi Noumi: Country map of the EFT landscape

    • 15:45 16:00
      Break 15m
    • 16:00 17:00
      Live Talk 2: Multipoint Correlators in Multifield Cosmology: formal structure and applications [Eva Silverstein] 1h

      Abstract: Connected N-point amplitudes in quantum field theory are enhanced by a factor of N! in appropriate regimes of kinematics and couplings, but the non-perturbative analysis of this for collider physics applications is subtle. We will start by briefly reviewing this effect and related developments in large-charge sectors of quantum field theory. We then resolve the question in the affirmative for N-point correlation functions of cosmological perturbations in multifield inflation, and comment on its application to primordial non-Gaussianity. We find that they are calculably N!-enhanced using a simple model for the mixing of the field sectors which leads to a convolution of their probability distributions. This effect leads to model-dependent but interesting prospects for enhanced observational sensitivity. Additional spinoffs include applications to primordial black hole production and a new inflationary model with a controlled resummation of derivative interactions.

    • 17:00 17:45
      Discussion of talks [Austin Joyce] 45m

      Spyros Sypsas: Primordial statistics from Multifields
      Siyi Zhou: Classical String solutions on dS
      Leonardo Senatore: Starting inflation from inhomogeneous universe
      Kurt Hinterbichler: Shift symmetries on dS

    • 17:45 18:00
      Break 15m
    • 18:00 19:00
      Discussion day 1 [Paolo Creminelli] 1h
    • 14:00 15:00
      Live Talk 3: Spinning Cosmological Bootstrap [Hayden Lee] 1h

      Abstract: In this talk, I will describe recent developments in the bootstrap approach to cosmological correlators, extended to correlators of massless spinning particles. Interactions of massless particles are highly constrained by gauge invariance, which manifests itself as current conservation on the boundary of de Sitter space. I will show that boundary spinning correlators satisfy current conservation only if different channels have correlated couplings to each other, allowing us to rediscover bulk facts such as charge conservation and the equivalence principle from a purely boundary perspective. Moreover, the constraints on the allowed singularities of massless spinning correlators and their residues are often strong enough to fix the answers completely. Based on this, I will describe an efficient way to construct spinning cosmological correlators in terms of lower-point building blocks.

    • 15:00 15:45
      Discussion of talks [Paul McFadden] 45m

      Austin Joyce: Spinning correlators from the boundary
      Carlos Duaso Pueyo: Weight-shifting operators
      Paul McFadden: Conformal correlators as simplex in momentum space
      Aaron Hilmann: Symbols in the Sky

    • 15:45 16:00
      Break 15m
    • 16:00 17:00
      Live Talk 4: Steinmann Relations, Causality and the Wavefunction of the Universe [Paolo Benincasa] 1h

      Abstract: How consistent causal time evolution is encoded in the late
      time wavefuntions of the universe or correlation functions? This is one
      of the open question which is crucial for our understanding of the
      fundamental physics encoded in quantum mechanical observables in
      cosmology. In this talk I will report on a recent progress in addressing
      such a question showing how the wavefunction of the universe, with
      ab-initio description given by the cosmological polytopes, has to
      satisfy the so-called Steinmann relations, which in the flat space case
      are an avatar of causality. I will show that the Steinmann relations for
      both the S-matrix and the wavefunction of the universe arise via the
      same mechanism and rely on the intrinsic definition of the cosmological
      polytopes themselves. Finally, such relations constitutes further
      constrains which can be used in the bootstrap program.

    • 17:00 17:45
      Discussion of talks [Leonardo Senatore] 45m

      Dmitri Ponomarev: Spinor helicity formalism in AdS
      Hiroshi Isono: Cosmological Witten diagrams
      Yasha Neiman: Scattering amplitudes for dS observers
      Massimo Taronna: From CFT bootstrap to correlators

    • 17:45 18:00
      Break 15m
    • 18:00 19:00
      Discussion day 2 [Kostas Skenderis] 1h
    • 14:00 15:00
      Live Talk 5: Alternatives to inflation as cosmological particle scanners [Xingang Chen] 1h

      Abstract: We show that, while inflation can be regarded as a cosmological collider with fixed energy, possible alternative scenarios to inflation may be viewed as particle detectors with scanning energies. They scan through a tower of massive particles in the primordial universe and leave a series of bursts of oscillatory signals as scale-dependent features in the density perturbations. Besides particle contents, these signals directly record the time evolution of the scale factor of the primordial universe. We discuss observational aspects of these signals.

    • 15:00 15:45
      Discussion of talks [Daniel Green] 45m

      Yi Wang: Non-standard quantum clocks
      Soubhik Kumar: extending the read of the Cosmo Collider
      Mark Wise: Galaxy Bispectrum and Conformal Fermi Coordinates
      Sebastien Reneaux-Petel: A manifestly covariant theory of multifield stochastic inflation

    • 15:45 16:00
      Break 15m
    • 16:00 17:00
      Live Talk 6: De Sitter Diagrammar and the Resummation of Time [Matthew Baumgart] 1h

      Abstract: Light scalars in inflationary spacetimes suffer from infrared logarithmic divergences at every order in perturbation theory. This corresponds to the scalar field values in different Hubble patches undergoing a random walk of quantum fluctuations, leading to a simple toy landscape'' on superhorizon scales, in which we can explore questions relevant to eternal inflation. However, for a sufficiently long period of inflation, the infrared divergences appear to spoil computability. Some form of renormalization group approach is thus motivated to resum the log divergences of conformal time. Such a resummation may provide insight into De Sitter holography. We present here a novel diagrammatic analysis of these infrared divergences and their resummation. Basic graph theory observations and momentum power counting for the in-in propagators allow a simple and insightful determination of the leading-log infrared divergences. One thus sees diagrammatically how the superhorizon sector consists of a semiclassical theory with quantum noise evolved by a first-order, interacting classical equation of motion. This rigorously leads to theStochastic Inflation'' ansatz developed by Starobinsky to cure the scalar infrared pathology nonperturbatively. Our approach is a controlled approximation of the underlying quantum field theory and is systematically improvable.

    • 17:00 17:45
      Discussion of talks [Garrett Goon] 45m

      Dan Green: Soft dS EFT
      Victor Gorbenko: IR dynamics of QFT in dS
      Mehrdad Mirbabayi: Loss of memory in dS
      Skenderis: Inflationary correlators and the solution of conformal Ward identities
      Bzowski: TripleK: A Mathematica package for evaluating triple-K integrals and conformal correlation functions

    • 17:45 18:00
      Break 15m
    • 18:00 19:00
      Discussion [Nima Arkani-Hamed] 1h
    • 19:00 19:15
      Conclusion 15m