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18 September 2020
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

48 participants

First Name

Last Name


AidanRobsonUniversity of Glasgow (GB)
AlasdairWinterUniversity of Birmingham
AlexTapperImperial College London
AlexanderDeistingRoyal Holloway University of London (GB)
AntonellaDe Santo
AyumiKatoBritish Embassy Tokyo
BrianFosterUniversity of Oxford
ChrisHawkesUniversity of Birmingham (GB)
DanProtopopescuUniversity of Glasgow
DaveBrownSTFC Programmes
DavidCussansUniversity of Bristol
DeepaAngal-KalininSTFC Daresbury Laboratory
FabrizioSalvatoreUniversity of Sussex (GB)
FergusWilsonScience and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
GavinDaviesImperial College (GB)
HaraldFoxLancaster University
IainSedgwickUKRI - STFC
IanBaileyLancaster University / Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology
Jacob ThomasLinacreScience and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
JennyListDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)
JensDopkeScience and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
JoelGoldsteinUniversity of Bristol (GB)
JohnMarshallUniversity of Warwick
JosephRobertsonBritish Embassy Tokyo
KonstantinStefanovThe Open University
LauraCornerCockcroft Institute, University of Liverpool
MatthewWingUniversity College London
MicheleFaucci GiannelliUniversity of Edinburgh
MiriamWatsonUniversity of Birmingham (GB)
NigelWatsonUniversity of Birmingham (GB)
PavelKarataevRoyal Holloway, University of London (GB)
PeterMcIntoshSTFC Daresbury Laboratory
PeterRatoffLancaster University (GB)
Philip NicholasBurrowsUniversity of Oxford (GB)
ReinhildPetersUniversity of Manchester (GB)
SineadFarringtonUniversity of Edinburgh
StefanoMorettiNExT Institute, Southampton & RAL
StephenGibsonRoyal Holloway, University of London
ThomasTeubnerUniversity of Liverpool
TonyDoyleUniversity of Glasgow (GB)
ValeryKhozeIPPP, Durham University
VeroniqueBoisvertRoyal Holloway, University of London