The ELSA facility at Bonn University offers a primary electron beam for two hadron physics experiments and detector test applications. The beam is extracted from a 0.5 to 3.2 GeV storage ring with an energy deviation smaller than 0.1 percent. A dedicated detector test beamline has started operation in mid 2016 and has so far served the local high-energy physics research group in several irradiation sessions. At the hadron physics experimental sites a tagged photon beam is available. The test beam is available for transnational access through the HADRON2020 EU programme.
Electron extraction rates range from 1 Hz to 1 GHz, the beam size is adjustable from 1 to 10 mm in both transverse planes. Beam parameters such as energy, extraction rate, beam size and divergence can be easily changed during dedicated beam times. A pixel beam telescope and further instrumentation is available.
The current status and the test site's infrastructure will be presented.