Feb 8 – 11, 2021
Lecce, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone


Main room: https://cern.zoom.us/j/65611799624
Tutorials: see dedicated talk in the welcome session or follow the links in the corresponding contribution materials.
Welcome reception: https://www.wonder.me/r?id=ce4231ec-91ff-4764-b03e-d2efd57cda8e (password: BTTB2021)
(alternative) group picture: https://padlet.com/henjansen/8vn98jq93sklsp26
Emergency room: https://cern.zoom.us/j/67404419175

You find the passcode for the ZOOM room in the "Before we start" email. Recent subscribers find the passcode in their registration email.

*If you have problems opening a link, please try changing to another browser first


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to unpredicted COVID-19 situation in the world the BTTB Organizing Comittee decided to have online workshop in 2021 and to cancel the participation fee!

Also with the help of local orginizers we will enrich the workshop programme with virtual discussion sessions in order to bring newcomers and experts together. We will try to include other forms of virtual exchange to emphasise the workshop character of the event.

The 9th edition of the Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop will be held online during the afternoons of 8 - 10 of February, 2021.

This workshop will cover a wide range of topics related to test beams for detector studies in tracking detectors, calorimetry and beyond. It aims at bringing together both experts and newcomers from various fields. There will be a combination of presentations by experienced users, results from recent test beam studies and tutorials to teach the software required to analyze the results. Please have a look at the last events to get a more detailed impression of the workshop's content: BTTB8 in TbilisiBTTB7 at CERN, BTTB6 in Zurich, BTTB5 in Barcelona in 2017, BTTB4 in Orsay in 2016 or BTTB3 in Hamburg in 2015.

In order not to miss any announcements, please subscribe to the e-group 'BeamTelescopesandTestBeams-Announcements' at https://e-groups.cern.ch.
In case you experience any problem during subscription, please contact bttb-ws@desy.de.


Workshop Bulletin:

Dear participants of the BTTB9,

the workshop is now one and a half weeks ahead of us and we're looking forward to finally seeing all of you again - although only virtually - this year.

Virtual workshops come with quite a few amenities, such as easier access for everyone (we cracked the 100 participant barrier already two weeks ago) and especially from abroad (we count a higher number of non-european participants than ever), but of course it also comes with challenges, such as the technical difficulties of an event of this size. However, we aim to maintain the friendly atmosphere of the BTTB workshop despite the large distances and hope to enjoy the workshop with you.

We are looking forward to a diverse program, counting (and still counting) 120 participants and a total of 43 oral contributions, including three overview lectures and three Hands-On tutorials. In addition, our friends from the University of Salento prepared social get-togethers for the evenings as well as interactive coffee breaks for us not having to miss the spirit of the BTTB.

The workshop starts on Monday, 08.02., with the welcome session at 12:30 CET. Until Wednesday, 10.02, the afternoons are reserved for oral contributions, while on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, hands-on tutorials will be held. In the evenings, we will offer social activities. The workshop will end with the closing session on Wednesday, 18:45 CET.

All oral contributions are scheduled for a duration of 20 minutes (15 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussion), if not discussed otherwise with the organising committee. In order to avoid delays during the workshop, please upload your slides until 9 am on the day of your session via Indico. Make sure that you have the permissions to upload slides beforehand and let us know if this is not the case.

The contributions will be presented using the software Zoom. You will receive a separate mail with the coordinates prior to the workshop.

There will be Hands-On tutorials on the software tools Allpix Squared (Beginners / Advanced) and Corryvreckan. Details will be presented during the welcome session, but you can already sign up for tutorials in advance via Indico to help us schedule them:


One remark from the tutors: The tutorial "Everything you would like to know about Allpix Squared - Advanced" is a tutorial that should answer the participants' and users' questions elaborately. Feel free to post your questions beforehand in the sign up survey above, for the tutors to prepare clear and vivid answers.

If you find yourself left with any questions on the upcoming workshop, please do not hesistate to contact us via bttb-ws@desy.de.

We are very much looking forward to an interesting workshop.

The Organizers
Lecce, Italy

For general questions about the workshop and for questions about your abstract, please use bttb-ws@desy.de

For questions to the local organizing committee (travel, accomodation, fee, visa, and so on), please use bttb9@unisalento.it

There is an open survey.