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IRIS-HEP Fellowship Presentations


Recorded Meeting Video:

    • 17:30 18:30
      • 17:30
        Bo Zheng - pyhf Hardware Acceleration Benchmarking with CPUs and GPUs 15m
        Speaker: Bo Zheng
      • 17:45
        Peter Chatain - Track Seeding Example for ACTS (A Common Tracking Software) 15m
        Speaker: Peter Chatain (Stanford)
      • 18:00
        Pratyush (Reik) Das - Language Transformations for the Awkward Array Library 15m
        Speaker: Pratyush Das (Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata)
      • 18:15
        Anish Biswas - Creating an infrastructure for a CUDA backend for Awkward Arrays 15m
        Speaker: Anish Biswas (Princeton University (US))