Logunov Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Moscow region, Russia) of National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" - is organizing the XXXII International (ONLINE) Workshop on High Energy Physics “Hot problems of Strong Interactions”, November 9-13, 2020.
The purpose of this Workshop is to give participants an opportunity to present results and discuss various aspects of the strong interactions phase diagram as well as of heavy quarks physics.
In this unusual time we consider it important to provide a possibility of live discussions and exchange of ideas on contemporary problems of high-energy physics.
Topics to be discussed
QCD under extreme conditions, Phases of Quark/Baryon Matter
- Strong-interacting matter at finite temperature
- QCD phase structure at non-zero baryon density
- Approaches to sign problem at non-zero baryon density
- QCD phase diagram under strong external magnetic field
- Phase diagram in the context of heavy-ion collisions
- QCD phase diagram in astrophysics
- Theoretical ideas and experimental searches of the critical point
- Non-zero isospin density and meson condensation
- QCD phase structure with chiral imbalance
- Effects of rotation in QCD phase diagram
- Anomalous transport phenomena and related issues: CME, CSC CVE, ...
- Inhomogeneous phases in strongly interacting matter
- Experimental results and future facilities
Physics of heavy quarks
- New findings in heavy-quark spectroscopy
- Heavy quarkonia
- Doubly heavy baryons
- Tetraquarks, pentaquarks
- Heavy-quark production
- Heavy flavours in QGP
Advisory committee
G. Aarts (Swansea U.)
D. Blaschke (Wroclaw U.)
V. Braguta (JINR & MISIS)
E. Bratkovskaya (GSI & Frankfurt Univ.)
K. Bugaev, BITP
E. Braaten (Ohio State U.)
Ph. de Forcrand (CERN)
D. Ebert (Berlin U.)
K. Fukushima (Tokyo U.)
F. Karsch (Bielefeld U.)
K. Klimenko (IHEP)
A. Likhoded (IHEP)
A. Nakamura (FEFU)
R. Pisarski (BNL)
I. Shovkovy (Arizona U.)
O. Teryaev (JINR, ITEP)
V. Zakharov (ITEP)
Structure of the workshop
Two sessions with 4-5 invited talks of 30 minutes duration will be arranged every day. After each session one hour will be devoted to moderated open discussion.
A distinguishing feature of this workshop is that a 1-hour discussion session after each section of talks will be arranged, where new developments and results presented in the talks as well as long-standing problems and questions will be discussed. It will be moderated by the Discussion Leader.
- November 13, 2020 - end of registration
- November 1, 2020 - end of abstract submission
- November 7, 2020 - end of presentation submission
- November 9, 2020 - start of the Workshop
Please, send us the title of your talk (even if very preliminary) before November 1, 2020 and try to upload your presentation by the web interface (will be open after October 1, 2020) or send it by e-mail to hepft2020-hposi-questions-AT-ihep.ru.
Please, inform organizing committee about any changes.
Participation with talks is by invitation of the Organizing Committee.
In the case of a proactive request the decision is made by the organizing committee.
The sessions will be online by zoom. The link will be sent to all the participants and posted on the site.
There is no registration fee.