Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Discussion Sessions

In this workshop we are introducing online discussion sessions to encourage the discussion of certain topics that are crucial for achieving sub-percent precision in lattice calculations of the HVP. These topics are:

  - Finite Volume effects
  - Discretization effects and continuum extrapolation
  - Scale setting
  - QED and isospin breaking corrections
  - Long distance statistical errors
  - Disconnected HVP

The structure of these sessions is the following:

  - Presentation of the topic, by the discussion leader.
  - Short contributions, chaired by the discussion leader.
  - Discussion, moderated by the discussion leader.

The total allocated time per session is 50min. We encourage participants of the workshop to submit interest during the registration process to present a short contribution consisting of a maximum of 3 slides for a specific discussion session.


A dedicated session on comparison with e+e-/R-ratio data is planned to take place during the last day of the workshop. This session shares the same structure of those aforementioned and its allocated time is 1h 20min. Participants are encouraged to submit short contributions via the online registration form for this session as well.