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BE Seminars

PS Booster Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Run 3: New Challenges, New Possibilities

by Simon Albright (CERN)




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PS Booster Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Run 3: New Challenges, New Possibilities


After Long-Shutdown 2 (LS2) the new PS Booster RF systems will allow an unprecedented level of flexibility for longitudinal beam manipulations. At the same time, the Finemet cavities will also affect beam stability, which can be mitigated by optimising the longitudinal particle distribution. To realise the full potential of the new RF system, in combination with the large number of additional upgrades, will require extensive studies, including numerical and analytical calculations, machine studies, and a gradual ramp up of performance over the course of Run 3. This seminar will discuss plans for beam production schemes immediately after LS2, studies already in progress to enable a deeper understanding of the machine, and long-term objectives for pushing the performance to the maximum.

Organised by

Efthymia Laderi