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Input from future facilities

Structure for collection of information and inputs from future facilities and projects

There were several future facilities and projects named within the EPPSU. They are also listed in the draft Roadmap mandate (Mandate Document). The structure and communication line for collection of information and input from these to the roadmap process is outlined in the following.

The EPSSU briefing book gives already a wide overview on detector requirements (

Leaders of future facilities were invited by the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap coordinators to join an (online) input discussion session. The invited speakers overviewed the main instrumentation opportunities, challenges, and planning to the roadmap coordinators, TF conveners, and TF members. The sessions focussed on the main input and information to be provided to the roadmap process, especially updates on needs not yet covered by existing technologies. The presentations initially consisted of pointers of the latest project descriptions and summarized in slides the unmet needs by TF area. Where similar needs exist for different future facilities these were presented in a combined presentation. Accordingly, speakers collected input from the future facilities to be included in their presentation, and included in their presentations names of contact persons for further questions and discussion.

These working meetings were very focused to allow maximum opportunity for the TF convenors and members to extract the information relevant to their topic area. To maximise efficiency attendance had to be restricted, but speakers were aware that the presented material is made fully available as public documents through these indico pages. In particular, the content was conveyed to the TF symposia speakers.

Those future facilities and topics not explicitly covered in the two sessions were invited to submit two-page summary slides to the scientific secretary of the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap, Susanne Kuehn by 3rd of March 2021.

The information from the input discussion sessions are being used to populate the matrix of technologies vs. future facilities and projects to prepare for the TF symposia. 

Two sessions with talks of around 20 min + 10 min discussion.

Session I (in general collider oriented), afternoon 19 February 2021: Input Session I

  • Talk I: HL-LHC (incl. flavour physics)

  • Talk II: strong interactions at future colliders

  • Talk III: strong interactions at future fixed target facilities

  • Talk IV: future linear high energy e+e- machines

  • Talk V: future circular high energy e+e- machines

  • Talk VI: FCC-hh

  • Talk VII: muon collider

Session II (in general non-collider oriented) afternoon 22 February 2021: Input Session II

  • Talk I : neutrino short and long baseline

  • Talk II: astro-particle neutrinos

  • Talk III: DM-like facilities

  • Talk IV: decay facilities 

  • Talk V: low energy facilities

The full list of future facilities can be found in the Roadmap Mandate document.