CMS Guides:
André David
André is Portuguese and used the CERN hostel for the first time in the year 2000 just before he decided to embark on a PhD in the NA60 fixed-target experiment. In 2006, André joined CMS where he led the commissioning of the ECAL. Since 2010 that André was heavily involved in the search for - and later observation of - the Higgs boson in the di-photon decay channel. André’s interests also include outreach and the usefulness of CERN for non-particle physicists in general. That is why he is a CERN official guide since 2004 and was involved with the CLOUD experiment for six years.
Pedro da Silva
Pedro is original from Lisbon, Portugal, studied Technological Physics Engineering in Instituto Superior Tecnico and worked in LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentao e Fisica de Particlas. Since 2010 he's been at CERN as a research physicist working on top, higgs and standard model physics, as well as in the upgrade of the CMS detector for the second phase of the LHC.
Ines Pinto Pereira Da Cruz
Hi! I’m Ines, a computer scientist from Porto, Portugal. I’ve been at CERN for two years now and a CMS guide for one. I’m working in the IT department at CERN, on Cloud Computing technologies (so don’t expect me to know all the physics stuff :)). I’ve also worked in a robotics lab before so I would say robotics and IT are my favourite areas.
Technical Support:
Noemi Beni
Zoltan Szillasi