Please contact Karen Harron at the University of Glasgow if you have any queries :
Email : karen.harron @
Telephone : 0141 330 8569 (Monday – Thursday)
Venue :
The virtual meeting will take place across two afternoons :
Tuesday 20th October : 13.30 - 16.30
Wednesday 21st October : 13.30 - 16.30
Zoom joining instructions:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Personal information captured during the registration process will be deleted once the event has taken place. This information will not be passed to any other party or used for any purposes other than directly related to the GridPP45 meeting. By registering you are agreeing to accept these terms.
Adrian Coveney
Akram Khan
Alastair Dewhurst
Alessandra Forti
Alison Packer
Andrew McNab
Andrew Sansum
Brian Davies
Chris Brew
Dan Protopopescu
Dan Whitehouse
Daniel Peter Traynor
Daniela Bauer
Darren Moore
David Britton
David Colling
David Crooks
David Kelsey
David Salmon
Davide Costanzo
Duncan Rand
Emanuele Simili
Gareth Douglas Roy
George Patargias
George Ryall
Gordon Stewart
Greg Corbett
Ian Collier
Ian Johnson
Ivan Reid
James Adams
James Walder
Jonathan Hays
Jose Caballero Bejar
Katy Ellis
Linda Ann Cornwall
Luke Kreczko
Marcello Armand Pilon
Mark William Slater
Matt Doidge
Matthew West
Michael Leech
Morgan Robinson
Paul Clark
Paul Kyberd
Peter Clarke
Peter Gronbech
Peter Hobson
Peter Love
Philip Garrad
Raja Nandakumar
Raul Lopes
Rob Appleyard
Robert Andrew Currie
Robert Fay
Robert Frank
Simon Fayer
Simon George
Steve Lloyd
Terry Froy
Tim Chown
Tom Byrne
Tom Dack
Tony Doyle
Vip Davda
Wenlong Yuan
Winnie Lacesso