30 November 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Lecturing and Thesis Supervision @ AIMS

30 Nov 2020, 14:40


https://cern.zoom.us/j/99199530180?pwd=VFVGcUJ4ZkFBMXlIeXN4ekcwSkkxZz09 Meeting ID: 991 9953 0180 Password: AIMSCH


Claire David (York University (CA))Prof. Prasenjit Saha (University of Zurich)


Prasenjit and Claire will give their perspectives on lecturing at AIMS and help you understand how you can be involved.

Claire David lectured at AIMS-Ghana in 2019 while she was a research fellow at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg, Germany. Since then, has mentored multiple AIMS alumni in their graduate applications. She is now a professor of physics at York University in Toronto, Canada.

Prasenjit Saha has lectured at multiple AIMS centers and supervised thesis projects starting in 2015 and is currently a researcher at the University of Zurich is astrophysics.

Presentation materials