25–28 Jan 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Collabora Online: Secure, on-premise collaborative editing

26 Jan 2021, 11:30
Presentation Collaborative Platforms Collaborative applications


Michael Meeks (Collabora)


Come and hear how Collabora Online delivers scalable, secure,
on-premise control of your data with a simple, easy to deploy and
manage approach.

Hear about our significant improvements in functionality in the last
year everywhere from a host of interoperability improvements, to a
polished mobile and tablet interface, with native mobile and ChromeOS
versions. See our re-worked user-experience, and the options that
gives as well as the ability to easily theme & style to your taste.

Hear how the one-click install app-image approach for easy setup (that
was prototyped at the last CS3) works, and why you don't want that in
a large deployment.

Hear some thoughts on how our simple architecture allows easy
deployment, simple scaling, high availability and more for your EFSS.


Michael Meeks (Collabora)

Presentation materials