Jan 25 – 28, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Instructions for participants and speakers

Logistics information

Access GatherTown  -  User Guide

Questions or comments?

Send email to: cs3-conf2021-iac@cern.ch

Website: cs3community.org/2021

General information

The event will take place on ZOOM: make sure you install the native ZOOM client (and not the web interface). Check your AV settings.

ZOOM link will be made available to registered participants only -- check the Videoconference Rooms menu on the left on this page.

The event will be recorded. Recordings will be made publicly available after the event. By registering to this event you agree that your sound and video recordings will be made publicly available.

The audio/video support is kindly provided by CERN IT.

Social gathering at the coffee breaks

All participants and speakers are invited to join the social interaction space (GatherTown). This is an experimental feature -- if it works out nicely on the first day we will extend it to the rest of the conference days.

Access GatherTown - User Guide

Password will be sent to the registered participants only.

The access to GatherTown platform is kindly sponsored by the cs3mesh4eosc.eu project which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 863353.

Speaker information

Presentation duration:

  • 10 minutes = 8 min. presentation + 2 min. questions
  • 15 minutes = 12 min. presentation + 3 min. questions

Timekeeping will be strict!

Before your presentation:

  • Upload your slides to this Indico website in advance (pptx or pdf)
  • You will present by sharing your computer screen via ZOOM
  • Do the technical check with the session convener during the coffee break before your presentation session
  • If you prefer to pre-record your presentation, please do so on a publicly accessible service (youtube) and add the link to your video to your Indico contribution.

After your presentation:

  • Go to the social gather platform and meet the participants in the "LAST SESSION" room


There are 2 open surveys.