9:00 AM
Welcome and Keynote
Jakub Moscicki
Dr. Tilo Steiger
(ETH Zuerich)
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Welcome & Warm-up
Jakub Moscicki
9:30 AM
The triangle of digitalization – sustainability and democracy within digital collaboration
Christoph Bals
(Germanwatch e.V.)
10:15 AM
Dr. Tilo Steiger
(ETH Zuerich)
10:30 AM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
11:00 AM
File Sync&Share Products for Home, Lab and Enterprise
Ron Trompert
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Seafile: Review and Next Steps
JiaQiang Xu
11:30 AM
Nextcloud - State of the nation
Frank Karlitschek
12:00 PM
ownCloud - News and Roadmap
Patrick Maier
9:00 AM
Novel Data Science Environments
Guido Aben
(until 10:15 AM)
9:00 AM
Forget 2020: Building an integrated AARNet Cloud Ecosystem in 2021
Gavin Charles Kennedy
9:15 AM
SWAN, Rucio, and Jupyter
Mario Lassnig
9:30 AM
Running Parallel, Distributed ROOT Analysis with PyRDF on Public Cloud - AWS Lambda Case Study
- Mr
Jacek Kusnierz
(AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
9:45 AM
Data access and integration challenges in a distributed computational environment for medical research
Piotr Nowakowski
(ACC Cyfronet AGH)
10:00 AM
JupyterLab for Earth Observation applications with HTCondor scaling and Voilà dashboarding
- Mr
Davide De Marchi
(European Commission)
10:15 AM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
10:45 AM
Collaborative applications
Pedro Ferreira
(until 12:00 PM)
10:45 AM
Say hello to "SeaTable", the next generation spreadsheet
Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger
11:00 AM
Digital Sovereignty with email & calendars - Is the client the bottleneck?
Andreas Rösler
(Kopano BV)
11:15 AM
Data encryption and crypto-flexibility in collaboration
Mikhail Korotaev
11:30 AM
Collabora Online: Secure, on-premise collaborative editing
Michael Meeks
11:45 AM
OnlyOffice and Collabora Online Experience at CERN
Maria Alandes Pradillo
9:00 AM
Site reports
(until 9:10 AM)
9:00 AM
To Quality, and Beyond!
Bradley William Marshall
9:10 AM
FAIR and Open Research Data Services
Ron Trompert
(until 10:10 AM)
9:10 AM
Describo and RO-Crate - the FAIR data research helpers
- Dr
Peter Sefton
(UTS) Dr
Marco La Rosa
(The University of Melbourne)
9:25 AM
Sync and Share for Research Data Management
- Mr
Tom Wezepoel
9:40 AM
Building solutions for Sensitive Data Projects
- Mr
Robert Pocklington
9:55 AM
Progress of Sciebo Research Data Services
Lennart Hofeditz
(University of Duisburg-Essen)
Peter Heiss
(University of Muenster)
10:10 AM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
10:40 AM
Tech Short Talks
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
(until 11:40 AM)
10:40 AM
SeaTable: easy like a spreadsheet, powerful like a database
Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger
10:50 AM
Evolution of the CS3APIS and the Interoperability Platform
Ishank Arora
11:00 AM
The benefits of using Nextcloud Talk
Olivier Paroz
(Nextcloud GmbH)
11:10 AM
CodiMD in CERNBox: leveraging the WOPI protocol to provide collaborative markdown editing
Giuseppe Lo Presti
11:20 AM
Distribution of container images: From tiny deployments to massive analysis on the grid
Enrico Bocchi
11:30 AM
Towards push notifications in OCIS
Jörn Dreyer
(ownCloud GmbH)
11:40 AM
--- Interactive lunch break ---
9:00 AM
Science Mesh workshop
(until 12:30 PM)
9:00 AM
Welcome and objectives
Jakub Moscicki
9:10 AM
Science Mesh in a nutshell
Pedro Ferreira
9:25 AM
Science Mesh for site administrators: operation, security, trust
Ron Trompert
9:55 AM
How to join the Science Mesh?
Daniel Mueller
10:25 AM
ScienceMesh for users: applications, use cases & workflow demo
Maciej Brzezniak
(PSNC Poznan Poland)
10:55 AM
--- Interactive Coffee break ---
11:10 AM
ScienceMesh for developers: how to contribute to CS3APIs and IOP
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
11:30 AM
Q/A and Feedback
12:05 PM
Jakub Moscicki
12:30 PM
--- Interactive lunch ---
1:15 PM
On-premise, hybrid or cloud?
Guido Aben
(until 2:45 PM)
1:15 PM
On-premise or in the cloud?
Alberto Pace
1:30 PM
Oracle Data Science Cloud
Peter Szegedi
1:45 PM
Cubbit Hive: the private distributed cloud
- Dr
Lorenzo Posani
(Cubbit) Mr
Gianluca Granero
2:00 PM
Science Mesh beyond science -- perspectives for adoption in a wider business context.
Marcin Sieprawski
2:15 PM
Campfire discussion
2:45 PM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
3:15 PM
Site reports
Dr. Tilo Steiger
(ETH Zuerich)
(until 4:20 PM)
3:15 PM
CS3 Site Reports Summary
Dr. Tilo Steiger
(ETH Zuerich)
3:25 PM
CERNBox: beyond 2020
Samuel Alfageme Sainz
3:35 PM
Introducing an open source Sync and Share solution in Sweden
- Mr
Gabriel Paues
Anders Bruvik
3:45 PM
Open Heart Surgery with 60 Terabytes of Data: Migrating 40.000 users from PowerFolder to Nextcloud
- Mr
Sascha Wiswedel
(Nextcloud GmbH)
3:55 PM
Site Report sciebo
- Dr
Marcel Wunderlich
(University of Muenster)
4:05 PM
Q/A discussion
4:20 PM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
12:00 PM
--- Interactive lunch break ---
1:30 PM
EOSC & Federations: Future research infrastructures
Jakub Moscicki
(until 2:35 PM)
1:30 PM
European Open Science Cloud: A single European market for research data and services
Bob Jones
1:50 PM
HIFIS: Sync&Share Federation for Helmholtz
Andreas Klotz
(Helmholtz Berlin)
Sander Apweiler
2:05 PM
CS3MES4EOSC - creating a mesh for Open Science
Pedro Ferreira
2:20 PM
National Data Storage’s synergies with sync & share systems
Maciej Brzezniak
(PSNC Poznan Poland)
2:35 PM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
1:00 PM
Scalable Storage
Jakub Moscicki
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
(until 2:20 PM)
1:00 PM
Making Reva talk to EOS: ultimate scalability and performance for CERNBox
Fabrizio Furano
1:10 PM
GPFS – protocols and watchfolder function
Weiser Olaf
1:20 PM
EOS-wnc: EOS Client for Windows
Gregor Molan
1:30 PM
iRODS Policy Composition: Configuration, Not Code
Terrell Russell
(iRODS Consortium / RENCI)
1:40 PM
REVA on CephFS
Theofilos Mouratidis
1:50 PM
The ocis storage driver - a deconstructed filesystem
Jörn Dreyer
(ownCloud GmbH)
2:00 PM
Samba and CERNBox: experience in providing HA online access to Windows-based users
Aritz Brosa Iartza
2:10 PM
Scalable Metadata Management Using Onedata and OpenFaaS
Lukasz Dutka
2:20 PM
--- Interactive coffee break ---
3:00 PM
OCM Workshop
Pedro Ferreira
(until 5:00 PM)
3:00 PM
Pedro Ferreira
3:05 PM
The State of OCM
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
3:15 PM
The OCM test suite
Michiel de Jong
3:30 PM
Seafile and OCM
Jonathan Xu
3:45 PM
OCM - from the initial design to a core component of Nextcloud Hub
Björn Schießle
4:00 PM
A Proposal for OCM Governance
Peter Szegedi
4:15 PM
Brainstorming - OCM in EFSS and beyond (CANCELLED)
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador