CS3APIs started out as a means to offer seamless integration of applications and storage providers, to solve the issue of fragmentation of services. Its reference implementation - Reva, has evolved over time to effortlessly allow plugging in numerous authentication mechanisms, storage mounts and application handlers through dynamic rule-based registries. As an Interoperability Platform REVA offers opportunities for application discovery and scalability to meet the growing storage needs of the next decade.
These functionalities allow the concept of 'Bring Your Own Application' to be introduced, allowing admins to offer a catalogue of applications and protocols and affording the end-users the freedom to choose among them. The inter-operability has also allowed Reva to serve as the benchmark for the EU project, CS3MESH4EOSC, which aims to tackle the challenges of fragmentation across CS3 platforms and promote the application of FAIR principles. Efforts into developing a federated service mesh providing frictionless collaboration for hundreds of thousands of users are already underway. These developments would pave the way for a data-driven application ecosystem in the European Open Science Cloud.