24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

The LHC limits on the B-anomalies motivated $U_1$ leptoquark models.

25 May 2021, 17:15


Subhadip Mitra


The $U_1$ leptoquark is a suitable candidate to explain the persistent anomalies in the semileptonic decays of the $B$ meson. In this talk, I will discuss how we can use the LHC data to constrain the $U_1$ models. Since the LHC is sensitive towards the leptoquark couplings, rather than the Wilson coefficients, I will discuss some simple scenarios with different couplings that can contribute to the relevant operators and show that the LHC data either rule out or severely constrain these simple $U_1$ scenarios. I will also discuss how the limits can be drawn on scenarios with multiple nonzero couplings from the high-$P_T$ dilepton data. I will show how a TeV range $U_1$ can evade the dilepton limits and the direct search bounds and explain the anomalies.

Primary authors

Mr Arvind Bhaskar Diganta Das Dr Tanumoy Mandal Subhadip Mitra Mr Cyrin Neeraj

Presentation materials