24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

New physics in $b\rightarrow se^+e^-$: A model independent analysis

24 May 2021, 14:30
Flavor Flavor I


Suman Kumbhakar (IISc Bangalore)


The lepton universality violating flavor ratios $R_K/R_{K^*}$ indicate new physics either in $b \to s \mu^+ \mu^-$ or in $b \to s e^+ e^-$ or in both. If the new physics is only $b \to s e^+ e^-$ transition, the corresponding new physics operators, in principle, can have any Lorentz structure. In this work, we perform a model independent analysis of new physics only in $b \to se^+e^-$ decay by considering effective operators either one at a time or two similar operators at a time. We include all the measurements in $b\rightarrow se^+e^-$ sector along with $R_K/R_{K^*}$ in our analysis. We show that various new physics scenarios with vector/axial-vector operators can account for $R_K/R_{K^*}$ data but those with scalar/pseudoscalar operators and with tensor operators can not. We also show that the azimuthal angular observable $P_1$ in $B \to K^* e^+ e^-$ decay is most suited to discriminate between the different allowed solutions.

Primary authors

Suman Kumbhakar (IISc Bangalore) Ashutosh Alok (IIT Jodhpur) Jyoti Saini (IIT Jodhpur) Sankagiri Umasankar (IIT Bombay)

Presentation materials