Frank Zimmermann
Giuliano Franchetti
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)),
Marco Zanetti
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
02/02/2021, 15:00
Jorge Cervantes Cota
02/02/2021, 15:05
Bangalore Sathyaprakash
(The Pennsylvania State University)
02/02/2021, 15:45
Katsunobu Oide
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
02/02/2021, 16:25
Raffaele Flaminio
(LAPP Annecy )
18/02/2021, 14:30
Jorg Wenninger
18/02/2021, 15:15
Suvrat Rao
(Sternwarte & U. Hamburg)
04/03/2021, 14:30
Andrei Ivanov
(Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics, Austria)
04/03/2021, 15:15
Raffaele Tito Dagnolo
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
04/03/2021, 16:00
Sebastian Ellis
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)),
Sebastian Ellis
11/03/2021, 14:30
Pisin Chen
(NTU )
11/03/2021, 15:00
John Jowett
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
11/03/2021, 15:45
Jonathan R. Ellis
(University of London (GB)),
Oliver Buchmuller
(Imperial College (GB))
11/03/2021, 16:00
Rongbing Deng
(Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
18/03/2021, 14:30
Peter Cameron
18/03/2021, 15:00
Jonathan R. Ellis
(University of London (GB))
18/03/2021, 15:15
(1) Possibility of using an LHC access shaft to house a 100m atom interferometer targeting the 1 to 10^-2 Hz range
(2) K. Oide's GW detection by resonant betatron oscillations, for the 10 kHz range
(3) S. Rao's GW detection by a change in revolution period, but "using low-energy" coasting ion beam without RF - sensitivity down to 10^-5 Hz?
(4) S. Elllis' suggestion for heterodyne...