2 February 2021 to 31 March 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone


18 Mar 2021, 15:15
1h 15m


Jonathan R. Ellis (University of London (GB))


(1) Possibility of using an LHC access shaft to house a 100m atom interferometer targeting the 1 to 10^-2 Hz range

(2) K. Oide's GW detection by resonant betatron oscillations, for the 10 kHz range

(3) S. Rao's GW detection by a change in revolution period, but "using low-energy" coasting ion beam without RF - sensitivity down to 10^-5 Hz?

(4) S. Elllis' suggestion for heterodyne detection using SC RF, up to ~ 10^7 Hz?

(5) GW generated by the beam; orbital frequency, ~ 10^4 Hz for LHC, and the orbital frequency multiplied by the number of circulating bunches used - combined with high-frequency detector concept

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