15–19 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dynamic integration of opportunistic compute resources

16 Mar 2021, 10:00
Online workshop

Online workshop

Computing & Batch Services Computing & Batch Services


Peter Wienemann (University of Bonn (DE))


Exploitation of heterogeneous opportunistic resources is an important ingredient to fulfil the computing requirements of large HEP experiments in the future. Potential candidates for integration are Tier 3 centres, idling cores in HPC centres, cloud resources, etc. To make this work, it is essential to choose a technology which offers an easy integration of those resources into the computing infrastructure of the experiments. We present such an approach based on COBalD/TARDIS, HTCondor, CVMFS and modern virtualization technology as core components. The challenging part of dynamically integrating and subsequently removing resources with fluctuating availability and utilization is undertaken by the COBalD/TARDIS resource manager.

Desired slot length 20
Speaker release Yes


Michael Boehler (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) Rene Caspart (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Max Fischer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Dr Oliver Freyermuth (University of Bonn (DE)) Manuel Giffels (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Stefan Kroboth (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) Eileen Kuehn (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Matthias Jochen Schnepf (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Ralf Florian Von Cube (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Peter Wienemann (University of Bonn (DE))

Presentation materials