15–19 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Moving to HTCondor ​ (and fighting covid in the middle)​

16 Mar 2021, 10:25
Online workshop

Online workshop

Computing & Batch Services Computing & Batch Services


Stefano Dal Pra (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))


On March 2020, INFN-T1 started the process of moving all the Worker Nodes managed by LSF to the HTCondor batch system, which was set up and tested in the previous months and was considered ready to handle the workload of the whole computing cluster. On March 20, while in the middle of the migration process, a sudden request came to provide 50% of our computing power for a period of one month to the "Sibylla Biotech" research project, to study the folding of the protein ACE2, present on the membrane of human cells, that allows the virus to enter. We report about how the migration process was organized and how it was possible to handle such a request, quite distant from our usual use cases. Finally we report about our experience so far with HTCondor and HTCondor-CE

Desired slot length 15
Speaker release Yes


Stefano Dal Pra (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)) Dr Tommaso Boccali (INFN Sezione di Pisa) Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF) DIEGO MICHELOTTO (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials