28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Prospects of positron and positronium physics with a highly intense low energy positron source

1 Jul 2021, 14:36
FCCIS WP2 (FCC-ee design) FCC-ee accelerators


Benjamin Rienacker (Physics Department, CERN) Ruggero Caravita (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT))


We report on the possible use cases for an highly intense low energy positron source in the light of the FFC-ee project. Slow positrons can be used to create the purely leptonic hydrogen-like positronium (Ps) atom, the bound state of an electron and a positron. Since it does not contain a hadronic nucleus, it is a privileged system to research bound-state QED. Notably, theoretical results regarding Ps exceed the current experimental precision, which is why new fundamental precision experiments on Ps are very interesting. But also the possibility of Bose-Einstein condensates with Ps becomes more likely with a more intense positron source, and ultimately the first steps towards a gamma-ray laser may be investigated. Ps is a symmetric matter-antimatter system which enables direct tests on CPT-symmetry and possibly also on the WEP by means of free-fall experiments in a well controlled environment.
As a more user-oriented case, slow positrons can be used as non-destructive nanoprobes for defects in all types of materials, and an intense source might develop towards an useful tool for industry to test samples with high throughput.


Benjamin Rienacker (Physics Department, CERN) Ruggero Caravita (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT))

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