Benefits derived from CERN’s FCC research go beyond building infrastructures to answer of fundamental research questions. A crucial question is how - apart from learning more about our universe - can society benefit directly from a new particle collider project? While not necessarily apparent at first glance, research on new high technologies comes with profound economic impact on industry and knowledge acquired from developing these technologies needs be spread and appropriated to benefit the public.
For the past 4 years, the Vienna University of Economics and Business has been carrying out numerous research projects to identify new market opportunities for technologies developed for the collider. Funded by the European Union as part of the EASITrain innovative training network, the search for new application fields included carrying out well above 100 in-depth expert interviews, interacting with enthusiast communities and building a bridge between research institutions and industrial partners to connect knowledge sources. We believe that the construction of the FCC does not only benefit research but value is created beyond that as the know-how can be utilized by industrial partners to cater to new needs, tap new markets or improve the companies’ efficiency and competitiveness. Higher cost effectiveness and leveraging further markets furthermore translates into lower manufacturing costs of a future high-energy particle collider, ultimately creating a win-win situation for all parties.