Agenda for the 66th Meeting of the INTC

from Wednesday 3 February 2021 (10:00) to Thursday 4 February 2021 (13:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Feb 2021
OPEN Session (until 16:15) ()
10:00 Introduction - Marek Pfutzner   ()
10:05 ISOLDE Technical Report - Joachim Vollaire   ()
10:25 ISOLDE physics report - Karl Johnston   ()
10:40 Updates on the new n_TOF target station and facility renovation - Oliver Aberle (CERN)   ()
10:55 n_TOF Phase-2021 report - Alberto Mengoni (ENEA & INFN, Bologna)   ()
11:10 --- Break ---
11:15 Terbium-149 for targeted alpha therapy - Nicholas Philip Van Der Meulen (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   ()
11:35 Spectroscopy of single-particle states in 107,109,111Sn through (d,p) transfer reactions - Joakim Cederkall (Lund University (SE)) Joochun Park (Lund University (SE))   ()
11:55 Beta-decay spectroscopy of 27Na and 22O for isospin asymmetry studies in the sd shell - Victor Guadilla Gomez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
12:15 Precision measurement of the change of the half-life of 110Sn by confinement in the large and small lattices - Amlan Ray   ()
12:35 --- Break ---
13:35 Probing the largest core-breaking prediction towards 100Sn: proton single-particle strength in 110Sn - Guangxin Zhang Daniele Mengoni (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   ()
13:55 Neutron capture on 50Cr and 53Cr for criticality safety - Adria Casanovas Hoste (Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (ES)) Carlos Guerrero Sanchez (Universidad de Sevilla (ES))   ()
14:15 Evolution of single-particle states along N=127: The d(212Rn,p)213Rn reaction - Sean John Freeman (University of Manchester (GB)) David Sharp (The University of Manchester)   ()
14:35 Neutron single-particle states and neutron-capture cross sections towards 78Ni: 79Zn(d,p)80Zn - Giacomo De Angelis (Universita e INFN, Legnaro (IT)) Eda Sahin (University of Oslo)   ()
14:55 --- Break ---
15:05 Study of proton-rich Ne isotopes with the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer - Ismael Martel Bravo (University of Huelva (ES))   ()
15:25 Reaction studies with neutron-rich light nuclei at the upgraded SEC Device - Maria Garcia Borge (CSIC Madrid)   ()
15:45 Collection of 129m,131m,133mXe for the gamma-MRI project - Magdalena Kowalska (CERN)   ()