CLEAR Scientific Board Meeting

6/R-012 - conference room (CERN)

6/R-012 - conference room


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Philip Nicholas Burrows (University of Oxford (GB))


The CLEAR Scientific Board (CSB) periodically reviews the progress of the experimental program, steers the experimental program and gives recommendations on proposed experiments and activities on the basis of their scientific interest and the availability of the facility. The Scientific Board members participate to the formal approval process of the beam time requests.


This meeting is focused on the specific charge:
- Review and assess the past CLEAR experimental programme, with particular focus on the one executed last year.
- Review the 2024 experimental program, as defined by the user proposals received so far and the extrapolation of past experiments, and give recommendations on most relevant directions or activities to be followed. 
- Assess the present consolidation and upgrade plan of the facility and give indications on the potential contribution of the CLEAR facility to the future accelerator program at CERN, e.g., on its relevance for possible test facilities needed in FCC-ee pre-injector era.


Final CSB Report: 

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Roberto Corsini
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