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8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

New Mathematics for Old Scattering Amplitudes

10 Aug 2011, 14:00
551 B (Rhode Island Convention Center)

551 B

Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Field and String Theory Field and String Theory


Marcus Spradlin (Brown University)


Scattering amplitudes have played a central role in quantum field theory since its inception. Recent years have seen remarkable progress in our understanding of their previously hidden mathematical simplicity, and in our ability to compute previously intractable scattering amplitudes, both for theoretical and phenomenological purposes. In this talk I will review several of the latest advances on scattering amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory, including on-shell methods and new mathematical technology for dealing with multi-loop amplitudes.

Primary author

Marcus Spradlin (Brown University)

Presentation materials