8th International Connecting The Dots Workshop
The Connecting The Dots workshop series brings together experts on track reconstruction and other problems involving pattern recognition in sparsely sampled data. While the main focus will be on High Energy Physics (HEP) detectors, the Connecting The Dots workshop is intended to be inclusive across other scientific disciplines wherever similar problems or solutions arise.
The 2023 edition will be hosted in Toulouse (France). It is the 8th in the series after: Berkeley 2015, Vienna 2016, Orsay 2017, Seattle 2018, Valencia 2019, virtual in 2020 and Princeton 2022.
The workshop is plenary sessions only, with a mix of invited talks and submitted contributions. There will also be a Poster session.
CTD 2023 is organised as an in-person conference and no remote presentation is foreseen. We expect all presenters to register.
The last day, Friday 13 October, is dedicated to a satellite mini-workshop on Real time Tracking : triggering events with tracks, see the dedicated indico page. Registration to the mini-workshop are free and independent of the main CTD conference (and if you register to CTD, you are not automatically registered to the mini-workshop).
Important dates
Abstract submission: 26 May - 30 June 14 July 2023 (The call for abstracts is now closed)
Registration deadlines : Early-bird 1st September, otherwise 22 September 2023.
- Standard 350€
- Early Bird (up to 01/09/2023) 315€
- Students 220€
This fee covers local support, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunches, the welcome reception and workshop dinner.