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12–14 Dec 2022
Asia/Seoul timezone

Light Dark World 2022 

12 - 14 December 2022

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea

The Sessions will be from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Asia/Seoul). This is 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm (US/Eastern), 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm (US/Pacific), 12:30 am to 3:30 am (Europe/GMT). 

Zoom connection
  (Zoom Meeting ID: 912 364 8189)

Light Dark World 2022 is the seventh meeting of the Light Dark World International Forum. It will be held virtually on December 12-14, 2022, via Zoom and is hosted by the Particle Theory Group (PTG), at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST).

Light Dark World 2022 will bring together global experts from experiment and theory to discuss recent advances and develop new opportunities to study new light particles beyond the Standard Model, including light gauge boson, light scalar, light dark matter, axion, light sterile neutrinos, and dark energy fields.

Light Dark World 2022:

Previous Meetings of the Light Dark World International Forum

Invited Speakers

  • Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter) : The Piezoaxionic Effect
  • Michael Baker (Melbourne) : Black Hole Evaporation Beyond the Standard Model
  • Amit Bhoonah (Pittsburgh) : Bounds on Ultralight Dark Photon Dark Matter from Precision Atomic Spectroscopy
  • Koun Choi (IBS CUP) : Light dark matter search in the Super-Kamiokande
  • Christina Gao (Fermilab) : Axion Searches with Two or More Cavities
  • Rohini Godbole (Indian Institute of Science) : Light dark matter in SUSY
  • Sungwoo Hong (KAIST) : Conformal Freeze-In of Light Dark Matter
  • Hyung Do Kim (Seoul National University) : Physics of Weak Scale Trigger
  • Yeongduk Kim (IBS CUP) : Dark Matter and Neutrino Experiments at Yemilab
  • Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) : Mediator Decay at Threshold
  • Kazunori Nakayama (Tohoku) : Detecting Axion/Dark-Photon Dark Matter with Magnon
  • Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University) : Manifesting hidden dynamics of a sub-component dark matter
  • Xiaoping Wang (Beihang University) : Time-varying resonant mass at collider and beam dump experiments
  • Neal Weiner (NYU) : Small Steps in Addressing Cosmological Tensions
  • Jonghee Yoo (Seoul National University) : RENO: Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation



Organizing Committee

  • Brian Batell (Pittsburgh) 
  • Kazuki Enomoto (KAIST) 
  • Akshay Ghalsasi (Pittsburgh) 
  • Samuel Lane (KAIST) 
  • Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST)


Image provided by PSDgraphics 

Registration for this event is currently open.