Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

The International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory is an annual conference series that attracts scientists from around the world working on lattice quantum field theory. The conference is the largest in the field and covers topics in

  • QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density
  • Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions
  • Hadron Structure
  • Standard Model Parameters
  • QCD in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model
  • Particle physics beyond the Standard Model
  • Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
  • Vacuum Structure, Confinement, and Chiral Symmetry
  • Algorithms (including Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Tensor Networks) 
  • Software development and Machines

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Abstract submission ends: May 7th
  • Early/Regular Registration ends: June 11th, $70
  • Student registration ends: June 11th WAIVED with advisor approval
  • Poster upload ends: July 12th
  • Late registration ends: July 25th, $120
  • Proceedings submission ends: October 31st
Registration for this event is currently open.