Discussion on the physics of Four Tops
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With the large amount of data gathered by the Run 2 of the LHC, the production of four top quarks has become a very interesting probe of the Standard Model and beyond. What is more, the measurements of this process in multilepton + (b-)jets final states have found an intriguing enhancement with respect to state-of-the-art SM predictions, usually attributed to its ttW background. In this event we invite you to discuss the physics of four tops, both within and beyond the SM. The meeting will consist of a few invited presentations, each followed by ample time for scientific exchange.
Admir Greljo
Adrian Rubio Jimenez
Afiq Anuar
Ana Ventura Barroso
Andrea Banfi
Andreas Weiler
Anil Sonay
Ankan Biswas
Aurelio Juste Rozas
Barry Dillon
Benjamin Fuks
Bhima Devi Neopaney
Cecilia Uribe Estrada
Clara Nellist
Daniela Katherinne Paredes Hernandez
Darius Faroughy
David Munoz Perez
Davide Pagani
Denise Muller
Didar Dobur
Efe Yazgan
Elise Maria Le Boulicaut
Emanuele Usai
Ennio Salvioni
Fabio Iemmi
Fabio Maltoni
Florian Fischer
Francesco Spano
Frederic Deliot
Freya Blekman
Gabriel Gomes Da Silva
Gauthier Durieux
George Wei-Shu Hou
Giuseppe Bevilacqua
Hayoung Oh
Hesham El Faham
Ioannis Tsinikos
Jachin Friday
Jailson Oliveira Santana
Jan Kieseler
Javi Serra
Jernej F. Kamenik
Jiwon Park
Joel Goldstein
Jose Agustin Lozano Torres
Joshuha Thomas-Wilsker
Ken Mimasu
Luca Pagani
Luca Silvestrini
Manuel Szewc
Marcel Vos
Marco Zaro
Marcos Miralles Lopez
Maria Aldaya Martin
Maria Moreno Llacer
Mark Kruse
Matteo Maltoni
Meng-Ju Tsai
Michelangelo Mangano
Mohammed Faraj
Myeonghun Park
Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah
Nicolas Stylianou
Niels Van den Bossche
Oğul Öncel
Paride Paradisi
Percy Cáceres
Peter Berta
Peter Johannes Falke
Pyungwon Ko
Rafael Aoude
Ratan Sarkar
Ricardo Mendez
Richard Ruiz
Rikkert Frederix
Robert Clare
Shalini Epari
Simon Berlendis
Sinan Sagir
Stergios Kazakos
Susanne Westhoff
Tamara Vazquez Schroeder
Tobias Theil
Umang Kumar
Vichayanun Wachirapusitanand
Xingguo Li
Zhi Zheng
Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Fabio Maltoni, Ennio Salvioni
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