Symmetries of temporal correlators and the nature of hot QCD.

26 Jul 2021, 14:45
Oral presentation QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density


Leonid Glozman


We report results on symmetries of temporal correlators above Tc
obtained within the N_F = 2 QCD with the chirally symmetric
Dirac operator at physical quark masses. We observe both U(1)_A
and SU(2)_L * SU(2)_R chiral symmetries as well as the chiral
spin symmetry SU(2)_CS, which is a symmetry of the color charge
and of the electric interaction. Emmergence of the latter
symmetry suggests that above Tc but below roughly 3Tc the color
charge is not yet screened and degrees of freedom are the chirally
symmetric quarks bound by the electric field into the color singlet


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