With complex Langevin towards the QCD phase diagram

27 Jul 2021, 05:15
Oral presentation QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density


Benjamin Jaeger (University of Southern Denmark)


We present an update on our efforts to determine the QCD phase diagram using complex Langevin simulations. In this study, we use two flavours of Wilson fermions with moderate pion masses ($\sim 450$ MeV). To improve the convergence of the simulations, we employ adaptive step size scaling and dynamic stabilisation. Here we report on our findings at higher temperatures and density. In addition, we also report on the eigenvalue spectrum for increasing chemical potential and smaller temperatures.


Benjamin Jaeger (University of Southern Denmark) Felipe Attanasio (Universität Heidelberg) Felix Ziegler (University of Southern Denmark)

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