Most charming dibaryon near unitarity

29 Jul 2021, 22:45
Oral presentation Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions


Yan Lyu (Peking University)


A pair of triply charmed baryons, $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$, is studied as an ideal dibaryon system by (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD with nearly physical light-quark masses and the relativistic heavy quark action with the physical charm quark mass. The spatial baryon-baryon correlation is related to their scattering parameters on the basis of the HAL QCD method. The $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ in the $^1S_0$ channel taking into account the Coulomb repulsion with the charge form factor of $\Omega_{ccc}$ leads to the scattering length $a^{\mathrm C}_0\simeq-19$ fm and the effctive range $r^{\mathrm C}_{\mathrm{eff}}\simeq0.45$ fm. The ratio $r^{\mathrm C}_{\mathrm{eff}}/a^{\mathrm C}_0\simeq-0.024$, whose magnitude is considerably smaller than that of the dineutron ($-0.149$), indicates that $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ is located in the unitary regime.


Yan Lyu (Peking University) Hui Tong (Peking University) Takuya Sugiura (RIKEN) Sinya Aoki (Kyoto University) Takumi Doi (RIKEN) Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN) Jie Meng (Peking University) Takaya Miyamoto (RIKEN)

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