Patrick Fritzsch
(Trinity College Dublin)
We report on the first master-field simulations of QCD with 2+1 dynamical quark flavours using non-perturbatively improved stabilised Wilson fermions. Our simulations are performed at a lattice spacing of 0.095 fm with 96 and 192 points in each direction. With $Lm_\pi$=12.5 and 25, both lattices feature a pion and kaon mass of about 270 and 450 MeV. This setup is compatible with a chiral trajectory at fixed trace of the quark mass matrix and allows for comparisons to standard large-scale simulations. In this talk, we present our algorithmic setup and performance measures, and report about our experience in thermalising large master-field lattices with fermions.
Patrick Fritzsch
(Trinity College Dublin)
Marco Cè
Mattia Bruno
John Bulava
Anthony Sebastian Francis
(Universität Bern (CH))
Jeremy Green
Maxwell Hansen
(The University of Edinburgh (GB))
Martin Lüscher
(CERN & Universität Bern)
Antonio Rago
(University of Plymouth (GB))