Analyzing coupled-channel matrix elements in finite volume

30 Jul 2021, 07:15
Oral presentation Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions


Luka Leskovec (Old Dominion University)


Radiative transitions between stable hadrons and hadronic resonances can provide valuable insights into the composition of hadronic resonances. In this talk, we present a toy-model investigation regarding the feasibility of realistic lattice QCD calculations of reactions where a stable hadron undergoes a transition to one of several two-hadron channels. We describe the coupled-channel transition formalism relating the finite-volume matrix elements with the infinite volume transition amplitudes and provide a roadmap for performing the calculation. We demonstrate the efficacy of the approach on a set of synthetic data generated for a non-trivial resonant toy model.


Luka Leskovec (Old Dominion University)


Jozef Dudek Raul Briceno (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facillity)

Presentation materials