Light Hadron Spectrum from a Yang-Mills Matrix Model

27 Jul 2021, 21:00
Oral presentation Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics


Mahul Pandey (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)


Abstract: The SU(3) Yang-Mills matrix model coupled to fundamental
fermions is an approximation of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on a
3-sphere of radius R. The spectrum of this matrix model Hamiltonian
estimated using standard variational methods, and is analyzed in the
strong coupling limit. By employing a renormalization prescription to
determine the dependence of the Yang-Mills coupling and the bare quark
masses on R, we relate the asymptotic values of the energy eigenvalues
in the flat space limit to the masses of light hadrons. We find that the
matrix model estimates the light hadron spectrum fairly accurately, with
most masses falling within 15% of their observed values

Primary authors

Mahul Pandey (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) Prof. Sachindeo Vaidya (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)

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