The Schwinger model is often used as a testbed for conceptual and numerical
approaches in lattice field theory. Nevertheless, some of the rich physical
properties of the model in anisotropic volumes have not yet been tested.
For the multi-flavor finite temperature Schwinger model there is an
approximate solution by Hosotani et al. based on bosonization. We perform
thorough comparisons with the lattice results and check the validity and
limitations of the Hosotani approach. By inverting the physical interpretation
of the coordinates we explore the delta-regime and measure the dependence of
the pion mass on the spatial size at zero temperature. Our results confirm
universal features of theoretical predictions by Leutwyler, Hasenfratz and
Niedermayer and enable the computation of the Schwinger model counterpart of
pion decay constant. This is further compared with the 2d version of the
Witten-Veneziano formula.