Lattice-QCD Calculations of TMD Soft Function Through Large-Momentum Effective Theory

28 Jul 2021, 07:30
Oral presentation Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Qi-An Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


The transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) soft function is a key ingredient in QCD factorization of Drell-Yan and other processes with relatively small transverse momentum. We present a lattice QCD study of this function at moderately large rapidity on a 2+1 flavor CLS dynamic ensemble with a = 0.098 fm. We extract the rapidity-independent (or intrinsic) part of the soft function through a large-momentum-transfer pseudo-scalar meson form factor and its quasi-TMD wave function using leading-order factorization in large-momentum effective theory. We also investigate the rapidity-dependent part of the soft function—the Collins-Soper evolution kernel—based on the large-momentum evolution of the quasi-TMD wave function.


Qi-An Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Dr Jun Hua Mr Yikai Huo Xiangdong Ji (University of Maryland) Dr Yizhuang Liu Yu-Sheng Liu Maximilian Schlemmer (University of Regensburg) Andreas Schäfer (Regensburg University) peng sun (LBNL) Wei Wang (SJTU) Yi-Bo Yang (中国科学院理论物理研究所)

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