Investigation of the fourth moment of the pion light-cone distribution amplitude

29 Jul 2021, 21:15
Oral presentation Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Robert Perry


The light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA) is a key object of interest in a range of high-energy, exclusive processes in QCD. In this talk, we describe the application of the heavy quark operator product expansion (HOPE) method to a preliminary study of the fourth Mellin moment of the pion LCDA. We present an exploratory investigation at a pion mass of 560 MeV in the quenched approximation.


William Detmold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Anthony Grebe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Issaku Kanamori (R-CCS, RIKEN) Prof. C.-J. David Lin Robert Perry Dr Yong Zhao (Argonne National Laboratory)

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