Dec 1 – 3, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

The aim of the LHC Higgs Working Group (LHCHWG) is to collect and produce theoretical predictions relevant for Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond. Summaries of these activities have been made available in four CERN Reports: "Inclusive Observables" (CERN-2011-002), "Differential Distributions" (CERN-2012-002),  "Higgs Properties" (CERN-2013-004) and "Deciphering the nature of the Higgs Sector" (CERN-2017-002).

The meeting will be held virtually, however a physical room with a limited number of places will be available at CERN for people resident at CERN. Due to evolving and uncertain Covid-19 situation, we do not recommend travel to CERN for the purpose of this workshop. No social gatherings such as coffee breaks or workshop dinners are planned.

Zoom connection details:

Will be sent to registered participants ahead of the start of the workshop.
