Oct 4 – 8, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone


Tutorial on Geant4 for users interested to improve their understanding and usage of Geant4. Appropriate for creating intermediate and advanced applications in any domain, with emphasis on topics most relevant to experiments in High Energy or Nuclear Physics. This is a tutorial course based on Geant4 version 10.7.

Lectures will cover intermediate and advanced features of Geant4 starting from the basic building blocks covered in the beginners course, interspersed with discussion sessions.

The course is expected to be of interest to users with intermediate experience in Geant4 and familiarity with the toolkit. Participants are expected to have a reasonable knowledge of C++.

The course will be held online using Zoom. A link to join will been sent to participants.


  • Basic knowledge of the C++ language 
  • Basic knowledge of MC simulation techniques
  • Knowledge and basic experience in using the Geant4 simulation toolkit, having followed the Geant4 beginners course or equivalent knowledge


  • Acquire deeper understanding of particle transport Monte Carlo
  • Acquire additional knowledge and experience in using the Geant4 simulation toolkit

Both the course and the waiting list are now full. 


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