Sep 6 – 8, 2021
CP3, Louvain-la-Neuve
Europe/Zurich timezone


We have three accomodation options.


- Gîte Mozaïk Louvain-la-Neuve: a hostel a 10 minutes walking distance from the workshop venue. The price per night is 51.15 euro/night (without breakfast). We have pre-reserved all the available single rooms (twelve) with private bathroom. If you wish one of these rooms, please indicate so in your registration form, and we will confirm it for you. The assignation will be done on a first-come-first-served basis, until capacity. Aug.26th: rooms assigned by prereservation have been assigned. If you wish this option, you should contain the establishment by yourself (they may have a couple available rooms);

- Hotel Martin's Louvain-la-Neuve : a three-stars hotel at 15 minutes walking distance from the workshop venue. The rate for UCLouvain events is 99 euro/night (breakfast included). In order to get that rate, you will need to reserve with the hotel directly (not on websites like, mentioning to the hotel that you wish to have the "UCL rate" and that the invoice must specify "MODE Workshop, CP3 UCLouvain". Please also indicate your choice in your registration form (we will need to confirm to the hotel your belonging to the workshop);

- IBIS Styles Louvain-la-Neuve a three-stars hotel at 30 minutes walking distance from the workshop venue. The rate for UCLouvain events is 95 euro/night (breakfast included). In order to get that rate, you will need to reserve with the hotel directly (not on websites like, mentioning to the hotel that you are here for the "MODE Workshop, CP3 UCLouvain", and indicate so in your registration form. When you contact the hotel, please use this PDF form for the reservation.