23–27 Aug 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Warning: all conference participants are kindly required to fill in this form

The 2021 edition of the MBI International Conference is jointly organised with the VBSCan COST Action in the Milano - Bicocca University, with the support of the INFN.

The program will cover the latest experimental results, the state-of-the art theory calculations and future prospects of the physics with multi-boson final states at particle colliders, and will be the closing event of the VBSCan COST Action.

The conference will be hybrid to allow for a wide participation, and its format will be finalised in early summer, as a function of the international situation of the covid pandemics control.

The conference will take place in the Building U6-Agorà (google maps link).

Please remember that a valid COVID-19 Green Pass will be mandatory to enter the conference hall.

Local Organising Committee:

Vitaliano Ciulli
Roberto Covarelli
Raquel Gomez
Pietro Govoni
Andrea Massironi
Carlo Oleari
Marco Zaro

International Advisory Board:

John Campbell (FNAL)
Lindsey Gray (FNAL)
Christophe Grojean (DESY)
Tao Han (U Pittsburgh)
Matthew Herndon (UW Madison)
Barbara Jäger (U Tübingen)
Sabine Lammers (Indiana U)
Ian Lewis (U Kansas)
Joany Manjarres (TU Dresden)
Yurii Maravin (KSU)
Marc-André Pleier (BNL)
Jürgen Reuter (DESY)
Junjie Zhu (U Michigan)

Registration for this event is currently open.