Please check COVID regulations for entering Italy before traveling to Milano.
Up-to-date information can be found on the Health Ministry website.
Please remember that a valid COVID-19 Green Pass will be necessary to enter the school premises. You may check whether your Green Pass is recognised by the Italian Government by checking its QR code with the Verifica19 app, that may be downloaded from the Apple App Store or from Google Play.
The reservation for a test can be done through the pharmacy App, available on Google Play store and on the Apple App store. Once downloaded, you will have to:
- register (or directly login with a Facebook account)
- skip all the tutorials
- click on the “Servizi Covid 19” button
- you will be asked an address, please add “Viale Monza 228, Milano”
- choose the Pharmacy number 83
- click again on the “Servizi Covid 19” button
- click on the image with the text “TEST Covid-19 LOMBARDIA”
- choose the test location: at our disposal are the pharmacies number 11, 12, 32, 83
- at the bottom of the page, choose the date (Data Prenotazione) (dd/mm/yyyy) and the time
- add a mobile telephone number (Cellulare)
The Pharmacy personnel will insert the (hopefully negative) results of your test, together with your personal data, in the national database. Within some hours you will be able to retrieve a green pass, valid for the same validity period of the test, from this web page, where you will have to choose the option “Utente senza tessera sanitaria” and then fill in the various fields:
- "Tipologia documento fornito…” is the type of document used when taking the test
- “Numero documento fornito…” is the number of the document, as registered when taking the test
- “Tipo codice” has to be NRFE
- “Codice identificativo” is ad ID code of the test itself, that will appear on the test result (please ask the pharmacy where to locate it exactly)
- “Lingua…” is the preferred language of the certificate
After correctly inserting the security code, you will have to click on “Recupera certificazione”.
A set of instructions, in Italian, prepared by the pharmacy itself on how to use their App may be found here.