Cecilia Lunardini
(Arizona State University)
12/05/2021, 08:40
Invited Talk
Andrey Sheshukov
12/05/2021, 08:50
Invited Talk
Segev BenZvi
(University of Rochester)
12/05/2021, 09:20
Jost Migenda
(King’s College London)
12/05/2021, 09:25
Contributed Talk
Elise McCarthy
(University of Rochester),
Sebastian Torres-Lara
(University of Houston)
12/05/2021, 09:38
Contributed Talk
Andrey Sheshukov
Chase Heinen
(University of Minnesota Duluth),
Dashel Anderson
(University of Minnesota - Duluth)
12/05/2021, 09:55
Invited Talk
Amanda Depoian
(Purdue University)
12/05/2021, 10:10
Invited Talk
Jeffrey Tseng
(University of Oxford (GB))
12/05/2021, 10:25
Jeffrey Tseng
(University of Oxford (GB))
12/05/2021, 10:30
marta colomer
12/05/2021, 10:40
Jia-Shian Wang
(University of Hong Kong (HK))
12/05/2021, 10:50
Kate Scholberg
(Duke University)
12/05/2021, 11:00
Barry Pointon
(British Columbia Institute of Technology)
12/05/2021, 12:00
This will be a review of the outreach goals and a discussion of some of the recent progress in developing the new webpage and working with the AAVSO
George Silvis
12/05/2021, 12:20
Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein
12/05/2021, 12:25
Contributed Talk
Erik Katsavounidis
12/05/2021, 12:40
Invited Talk
Spencer Griswold
(University of Rochester)
12/05/2021, 13:00
Invited Talk