Unifying Gravity and Electromagnetism

14 Jul 2021, 17:15
Track L (Zoom)

Track L


talk Gravity and Gravitational Waves Beyond Standard Model


Matt Dray (Momentum Telecom)


An exercise using the value 2.5549x10^59, which is a value that is equal to the equations G/lp^2 and 2Pic^3/h, and that substitutes this value for the Gravitational Constant G in the derived Planck units was performed. The new values were then placed into a matrix chart that compares the newly derived values, dimensions, and magnitudes for both equations as they are used within each derived unit. Calculated results derived using the matrix chart appear to show that both equations ( G/lp^2 and 2Pic^3/h ) unify Gravity and Electromagnetism, that the fine structure constant exists as the result of entropy, and that it is quite possible we live within a universe which is tunable through entropy.

Are you are a member of the APS Division of Particles and Fields? Yes


Matt Dray (Momentum Telecom)

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